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  • Thanks! I was kind of spamming the forum. lol I tried to get more, but now I'm just lost. I'm surprised I actually found 10.
    Lol, wow.

    I may have an Idea who I wanna be for Halloween next. Though it might just be the same one I was last year. Which was Male Mario Kart 8 Villager by the way.
    Hey thanks! I really loved the show. I also have seen not many with that show in their aesthetic, so I suppose why not I do it?

    About this Zipper + Kracko Hybrid, well... I don't know what to say on that.

    I also wanted to have my user title be called Dipper T. Bunny/Zipper Pines to commemorate and reference the Easter Egg Hunt, but I didn't think it rung a bell or whatever.
    Congrats on getting an egg! I only have half needed for one. I am trying for the Nightmare one, but I don't really like the new eggs as much as some of the older ones.
    Ah, gotcha. Yeah, periods are just a pain to deal with. :/

    And np man! And thanks love, I appreciate it <33
    Also, I saw your post in the "What's Bothering You" thread yesterday, and I've been meaning to ask if you're doing alright <3 life can get rough sometimes. Lemme know if you wanna talk girl.

    big internet hug
    Yeah c;

    And ooh, that sounds like a pretty interesting anime! I'm not sure if I'm up for it, though - I know it's just an anime, but I'm a little worried that I'll get paranoid with that kinda stuff lmao, like ghosts and things. Dunno, but it sounds pretty promising! ;o
    Yeah, it was nice. :) Also, I'm planning to do some more service hours this Friday - I need to do five more hours for my church class, and our volunteering forms are due this Sunday. There won't be any school on Friday for us since it's some teacher day, I think.

    Ah, nice! Perhaps I'll check it out sometime. What is it about, though? c:
    It's just our way of keeping track of the anime community here. Also for us to discuss anything anime related with each other.
    You're invited to our anime group (TA-DA)

    Some information here
    Check out the discord
    Oh haha ;P sounds nice though, and nice new avatar aaa c:

    It was fine, thank you! Just did some community service hours, and went to a church retreat. Nothing too special haha.
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