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  • Ah thank you so much!! I don't wanna mess up my garden theme (even though mint is but we're just going to ignore that lol) so I figured that'd be a nice way to add extra ones c:
    Omg, I was trying to bring my brother's character to town too using my new 3ds and I had to undo default parental controls before I could use the train station. lol

    My gate is open now and the town is NeverWas.
    Would you like to join my brother and me for a stupid new leaf challenge photo? And wear a fun pattern outfit I have at Ables?
    ok. vm me when you're open please.:)

    Also: looking at your profile and I notice we have the same birthday!!
    Oi one sec it's making me do a system update before I add your code e.e
    And no you don't need to bring anything
    Really? Only one other one? Maybe people want that silly black and white one. I prefer the more colorful ones though. It was like this last year with the purple feather. I probably could of got two of them if I felt like it.
    "Congrats to everyone who entered! I ended up bailing last minute to watch Little Shop of Horrors with my family. (y'know, because of the eclipse)"

    Best post I've seen in awhile :p
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