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  • Aww. I can't imagine any amount of missing could cause me to deserve the coveted teal house, but I'm very grateful! Thank you so much. I missed you, too! :D (Where'd you get it though lol)
    hi! I was wondering if by any chance you were wanting to trade your red feather for a pink house (う)? if not, I understand!
    It's fine. I personally think that no one has any right to talk bad about Chester. He had his reasoning and all we can do is pray for the best for his family.

    Btw thanks for making me feel better. That cat reminds me of my kitty lol :blush:
    Ooh, good luck. My Linky is still too scarred from the first trial to attempt the middle one yet. Too many times I made it over half way just to die in one hit to something stupid. Thank goodness I have a ton of weapon slots. But Mipha, I miss you my savior! lol Urbosa is pretty cheap too.
    I finally beat the beginner master sword trials! Ugh, I can't believe I died on the second to last floor. I also found out something stupid; if you cook wood you get gross looking food that recovers 1/4 heart. I'll take any pity hp in those trials. lol
    Noooo, never sacrifice the stamina! As soon as I pulled out the Master Sword, I went and cursed my stats to change a lot of the extra hearts to stamina. I didn't need 13 hearts at that point in the game. Who needs hearts when you can cook? :)
    What? That's lame. Though I prioritized stamina so I always get the extra hearts. I would have like 5 stamina wheels if the game didn't stop you at 3. I enjoy endless running.

    I tried the Master Sword trial and died at 9 I think. Whatever one is the lizard camp over water. I'm not really sure what to even do there. I prefer the hide in a tree and drop bombs method. lol
    Oh sweet. I love unnecessary extra heart dishes. I never tried multiple hearty items because one by itself was always good. Don't forget hearty durain! ;) I think there is a hearty fish too.

    Sadly, the ex treasure picture just registers as a treasure chest. I had a picture of a guardian zapping me for my treasure picture, so I didn't override it. lol It might help though. I haven't tried it. Walking around using Magnesis is a cheap way to find stuff. Most of them are pretty buried and hard to see otherwise.
    The weird part is tbt only gave me 2 notifications even though I got like 5 comments lol.
    Not the book, a way to find the items easier. So far I have the Korok mask, 2 of knight items, Tingle's shirt, Majora's mask, and Midna's helmet. My brother helped me find the Korok mask because that awful hint limited it to all of Korok forest it seemed. I didn't try the Master Sword challenge yet. I have to be in the mood to torture Link on Eventide 2.
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