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  • I found an easy way to look for the dlc items if you want a hint. Though they are still hard to find. I also interpreted a hint wrong and found a Tingle item when I was looking for a knight one. Ugh, Tingle, why.....
    Oh no. I found that axe in a shrine on a cliff near a crazy Bokoblin camp. I think it was near Eventide, but I'm not sure. I need to explore the south of the map more. It is very pretty with the beaches and sunsets.
    I think you can get the useless Moblin club right below the Great Plataeu. It's in that forest full of Moblins if you were following the king's directions and heading to Twin Peaks. You could always store the axe in the house in Hateno if you buy a weapon display.

    Guess what? I finally found the stupid Hebra leviathan. Curse that snowball challenge! I also think it might have been the weird shrine I couldn't find since it goes so far into the mountain. Stupid stupid Hebra. Maybe I should have went to the southern part of the map instead. I am neglecting all of the Lulurin side quests and that area in general.
    I found that one too. I just didn't go back again after that. I should probably beat the main story before hard mode comes out. I'm so close. Or ignore it and buy and ancient short sword for that dumb weapons side quest. I really don't want to waste an ancient core on that kid though.
    Ugh, it was s stupid path not on the map. Don't be like that memories. Maybe I'll attack Ganon now. I find waterfalls is the easiest way to him until you go up that one waterfall and have 3 or 4 guardian lasers on you. Good times.
    It is a fun find the picture game. I am determined to beat it without looking up answers. The only evil ones were where the main thing in the scene wasn't there. (Or was blown up. Thanks for nothing gazebo. lol)
    I think I rode my horse through the forest my last one is at while looking for the right stable. It was one of two places the painter hinted at. I just need to play again, but I have been kind of busy lately.
    Hey. Are you mad at me? I didn't mean for all that drama to start. I was salty and needed to chill the **** out. I have to idea why BiggestFanofAccf thought he should change it just because I said something. I apologized to hillaruhsaur too, even though it doesn't seem like she wants to forgive me.
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