• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • I apologize for the Julian thing! I was very excited about getting him out, and then it turned out that we had incompatible schedules.
    This is way earlier than I expected, but Julian is moving out tomorrow! I’ll add your friend code and open my gates, so you can come get him.
    I might be able to give you Julian after school today. Around 4:30 to 6:00 PM EST? (I live in Massachusetts, I don’t know where you live.)
    Eugene has his house plot up- I used his card yesterday so I’d have 10 villagers again- and if Wisp will let me, I’ll get Julian moving out today.
    Message me to confirm a time.
    I just realized that I forgot to send you the Winter Mittens, I hope they bring you much joy! :)
    Hey, it’ll probably at least 2 days or so until you can come get Julian, what with the Bug-Off and Vic moving to Croqueta. Hopefully you can wait that long.
    Hello, u contacted me abt Tia a couple days ago, but my internet has been down. Does the offer still stand?
    Why the name "Patna"? :eek: And I LOVE forest themes, I can't imagine how beautiful it will be ! And aww, Hazel's one of the best uchis !! I haven't really experienced the others though, are you planning on keeping them all then ?
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