• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Oh no worries! I’m sorry for causing problems! <3 I’m just happy to have won haha. Okay I’m at my train and both your FCs are registered. Says your gate is closed
    Ohhhhhhhh! My apologies. I misread. Thought you were going in order. I can come now if you’d like. If you have time.
    Hey. I saw you go to the Fifth place person before me. It’s fine. I don’t care that you did. But is there anything left? :)
    Hey! I can come to your town now. I think I’ve already added you but I’ll double check. I’ll probably poke around for a bit, come and go a few times then get out of your hair, haha. As far as I know all I need that you’ll probably still have is some random orderable stuff :) let me know when your gates are open!
    Just left ! Sorry I stayed for so long, I didn't even realize the time. Thank you so much again, I got so many things for my catalog and so many hybrids I wanted !! Everyone else is going to love the stuff there, and I hope they like the extras I threw down lmao.
    And I'm sorry about my late reply! I was working at Brewster's lol. I can come over now, is there a time limit on how long I can walk around?
    Thank you for the detailed layout information <3
    Hey there ! I did end up going offline/falling asleep before I read read your message, sorry about that! I’ll be around for the next 3 hours or so, so give me a holler if you’re available
    I go through on and off periods too; my town is super old, but you'd never expect it because I haven't done THAT much. lol So I totally get taking breaks. If you're going to start a new town, will you be done with having a "cycle town"?
    Also, I looked over your villagers and you have so many great ones ! Today, I got my tenth villager from the void :mad: so I'll have to wait until someone moves before I can take a villager, if that's alright?
    Oh, for sure ! I'm excited to get a bunch of new things and browse your hybrids, but I'd also like second place to still have tons ! So I'll bring some harder to get stuff with me and trade things out for what I want. :p Thank you again for doing this, it was way too nice !
    I can't wait to hear about how your new town goes too--How old is the one you're resetting?
    As for the villager, I'm not sure. I'll have to browse them and get back to you!
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