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  • Hey Andy, they have the flower set up on acnldelivery if you were interested in having those unorderable items. :3
    Me: *looks for Tom for 2+ weeks*
    Me: Guys I give up lol
    Me: *gets 308475938475 messages offering me Tom*

    ...maybe I should 'give up' on villagers more often lol
    It's funny, after I made that thread, suddenly I had an overflow of people pointing me to threads for Tom that just started popping up lol. I got so many PMs here and on tumblr lol. I'm actually plot resetting for him right now, heh.
    Oh dang! I completely forgot! Im sorry! >.< Ill vm you in 25 mins maybe? Is it fine?
    Hey there! I just got home. Can you add my new FC? Its 3325-5230-5531. I'll add u and open up shortly :)
    I'm ready! I believe Im missing a piece from the golden set. Can you let me know which ones after and ill deliver it to you tomorrow. Sorry.
    Oh perfect! I will be taking a break from delivering. Let me know then. Thank you for your patience. :)
    I haven't received any TBT yet. And I'll be coming as Gail from Mallows and Diana from Myrefall. :)
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