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  • Hi! Looks like we missed each other! I will be available for the next couple of minutes if you’d like me to open my gates :3
    I have sent you all of my bells!
    I will be AFK for a while on my 3DS.
    Please VM me on here if you have any questions/concerns.
    And also VM me when you are done the delivery.
    Tysm <3
    That is 100% fine. Please VM me the friend code and I will add you ASAP. After you are done with the first order, please VM me again so I can open my gates. Thank you very much!!!
    Hi! I'm available for a little while so I'll add you and open my gate's, come over when you're ready! :)
    I will be available in about 8 minutes (I'm in the car ride home). I'm free all day after I get home :)
    Please tell me if you'll be available at that time.
    Hey could I have 20 Jacobs ladders and 30 gold roses, also I have recieved some of my items and have updated my list :)
    I'll be free for the next two hours. And if you cant do that, I'll be free estarting at 8 PM EST. Cya :)
    Ok cool! I am free tomorrow night (8 to 9 PM EST), Sunday (4 to 10 PM EST), and all day Monday. Please pick a time to meet and thank you for being so patient. :)
    Hi! Its me again. Im ready to trade now :)
    Please give me a VM when youre ready, and I'll open my gates!!
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