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  • yes!!! i can 100% do that. sorry for the late reply. i have added u and can trade asap!!
    Sorry to bother you! Please notify me when youre done orders. I might not be able to do it tomorrow :(
    omg tysm! please take your time and make sure you get enough rest before doing orders <3
    hi! i noticed that you were online. i was wondering if you're taking my order? sorry i'll just be online all day today and thought it'd be the perfect time to trade : )
    yeah, I am! Also, I saw that you didn't add me, maybe that was the problem? Opening gates in a sec!
    that's actually pretty strange considering I did add you, let me try to do something real quick, will take up around 3-4 minutes
    Yay...thanks so much!This is much appreciated!I've been looking for this stuff forever!It is definitely a deal!And I don't mind waiting!Just tell me when you're ready!Thank you!
    hi, sorry for being late, was doing another trade, I added you, tell me when you're ready!!
    HELLO LOL - after having to take an almost 2 month hiatus for personal issues, im finally back and raring to go for 2019 boys,,,, will be re opening only my item shop for now, and im not sure im going to have as much time as i used to for these things, but i still wish to be here <3
    hey there lovely.
    my friend katezilla told me that you were trying to contact me,
    my discord is b e l l e#7236 and i would love it if you'd add me so we can talk about stuff :)
    hey i saw your message on belle's page and i just wanted to say that shes doing really good! her discord is #7236 i'm sure she'd like to talk
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