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  • I'm going to sign off soon, so I'll buy the rod and place it in my re-tail. Feel free to pick-up whenever or I can bring it to your town. Just let me know what feels reasonable. I'll also check what I get in my Museum shop tomorrow.

    Actually, sorry Boring I forgot I was going to treat the rod as a gift for allowing me to visit for an extended time.
    Hi, I will be leaving in a few hours for a couple of hours, but you can contact me before then for the rod or after I get back. If I don't hear back from you soon enough, I'll still buy the rod and leave it in my re-tail.

    Also, let me know if you need anything else and we can work out a deal for those. I could really use more tbt for this site, so I would prefer that. Thank you!
    For anyone checking, I had to quick ACNL 3 months ago as I moved out into my own place (it was very hard, I'm 16 and moved out during my GCSE's) I'm back now, but for now I wont be opening my open again because to be honest, I dont have the time, and I also want to start a new town and buy items instead of selling them (although I do still have hoards of items and flowers I'm gonna want to move over)
    hey there! i have a peach and a spring shamrock in my shop if you'd like them! they're super cheap haha. link in my signature on my profile!
    Okay, so this was my order:

    username: Candyland3000
    timezone: CEST
    friendcode: In the side bar
    order: 25 lucky clovers, please^^
    total: 25 TBT

    I checked now if i could still place this order but I didn't see any prices for clovers, instead, I wanted to ask: would it be okay to buy a small lucky package? That would be the same amount of TBT, but 40 clovers and therefore better for me. :3
    It's okay if you refuse, though, because I didn't respond for quite a while now.. I'm really sorry!
    Oh my god, I'm so sorry for not responding for such a long time! I was just so occupied with other things that I forgot to check my mail for a couple of months!
    I did order some Items from your shop bit I absolutely can't remember which ones, I'll go and check right away!
    Again, I'm sorry! ^^'
    Hi, I'm sorry for the late reply, I kinda assumed that the order was canceled as I never got confirmation that the order had been accepted lol. I will probably only be able to trade this weekend, is that okay for you?
    Hiya, I just wanted to remind you that I'm still waiting on an order for a little while. I sent you the TBT for the order a while back as well. Sorry to be bothering you, I should be free this weekend if you want to deliver? :)
    Better to focus on what you need to do first before handling the littler things! Don't worry about it! I'll be free tomorrow/Saturday, so I'm fine for any time that you're available! Does this include the missed items from the last order?
    I'm pretty chill so no worries!! ^_^ For sure this weekend works, just let me know when you're ready. Do me a favor and send me a private message so I get an email notification please! :)
    For those visiting my profile after I've VM'ed them about their orders -- I'm free from 7PM onwards GMT on friday and most of saturday. If you're not free then I am very willing to arrange other times so just let me know!
    Hey lemme know if you have any time to drop off this week :)
    Particularly available today/tonight, tomorrow before 3 CST and all day Wednesday.
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