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  • Awesome! ^^ yeah even if I charge 10 tbt for each one. It’ll make some difference but I know people do it so idk if I have a chance tbh haha
    Ahh haha fair enough. I want to do a cycling town but idk if that’s too old and if people will wanna adopt from me I’m not sure haha ^^
    I’ll get the tbt sorted now and send over once you’ve dropped off, gates are open for when you’re ready!
    Yeah that’s absolutely fine thank you! ^^ well I think because before it was like 183 TBT so idk what it’ll add it to x
    Sweet! See you soon then! I see you say to send tbt after the drop off so I will do! How much was it again?
    Oh I see! Sorry! ^^ also may I ask for now, am I also able to add 5mil in game bells to the order and if so what would the order come to in total please? ^^ sorry for all this I started a new town you see, and I’m trying to get everything myself
    Hey :) jw if my order is ready yet? Haven’t heard back, just making sure everything is good. Thank you!
    Hey! ^^ Thanks for the fast reply! :) That'd be lovely! Do you want me to send the TBT now or after? Sorry I don't know how you like to do it ahah :)
    lmao I feel bad cause I know I just keep missing you but my gate will be open for at least the next 3 hours or so, so if you load up the game feel free to just go check for my town as it should be open :)
    Hey! If you’ve got any time free tonight, would you mind dropping off the order? I’ve got my gates open incase I’m not around when you’re good! I forgot to update my FC last night but it’s on the proper one now on my profile! Town is Azeroth! Thank you! Will be leaving my gate open all night
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