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  • What did you say before you edited your VM to me? I spilled personal stuff about me so where I come from it would be right if you did the same.
    Stories? Yes some of them are just stories but I sometimes mix my lifestory in with what I write. I told you a personal detail of my real life and you called it a story. That kind of hurts that you think I'm bsing about being physically abused as a child
    I won 1st place for the Top gift givers on the 18th. I wish we could change username colours all the time... but unfortunately we can't!
    So, you're a vegan. Do you grow your own food? ALL of your own food, every last bit? Or do you buy from a grocery store?
    btw you have great taste in music
    never got the chance to tell u before haha
    I have seen David Bowie's other works. But JEBUUUUSSSS.
    Black Star is so dark. I love David's dance moves though.
    My pleasure! Thank you very much for offering the bells, but I would much rather you keep them. I was glad to help.
    Tbh I often forget to because of school and other stuff but I'll do it eventually.

    There's a possibility of there being a restock at the upcoming update but its unlikely.
    Thank you! I actually don't have access to Photoshop at the moment because I'm on a computer at college. I wouldn't mind doing it as soon as I get home though. You don't have to give me anything for it. So your current signature and avatar you have on now right?
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