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  • Well, it wasn't even the fact that we had no wi-fi, I was entirely fine with that.
    It's when you get it back that it's back.
    Friends I were e-mailing started yelling at me, then I had to explain 70,000,000,000 times.
    I was willing to in your case, though; you weren't yelling at me.
    Okay, here goes:

    Shortened version.

    On Monday, the Internet Tower here was struck by lightning, leaving us wi-fi-less.
    They fixed it on Thursday night.
    On Friday, I woke up with a splitting headache which only got worse every time I looked at bright colors or smelled anything bad or even good.
    On Saturday, we went on a camping trip, where I reactivated the headache by tubing, where I fell off after being slammed into the water.
    We came back Monday night, where I could not fall asleep.
    And here I am today.
    I'm fine with any as long as they know what they are doing no shiz look at the time its late gtg need to sleep. I played too much Arzan Legacy damn :/
    I'm fine with that :lemon:
    Coaching townie would be fine because I have a feeling if I coach red team it would be a pain I guess :p
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