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  • hi im ur violating the kode of kondut for cursing on animal crossing communtiy so ur aunder arrest ur coming with me punk
    im a cop nd i inspketed md u are under arrest btch. i herd my associate FLAMORA tld me u r violating the kode of konduckt...i know u like to injekt dat wine cider but mahoe is teling u two stop rogit now or u sufr bad deadly death rlly badly. also i hv to arezzt u bc u are lameio lolololrk XD but yah u ns 3 stop injrktding that wine cider rht now by the order of gaymora >=/
    yeah i know she left the chat i bet shes in her 3rd nap for the day lol shrekt her right hahaha im 8 but im mature did i ssay that, yeah im only 8 but im in colage and i have a+ and my moms a police and i reported her i get to use a tazere abnd its kool arnt i good at speling?
    shes six and doesnt know how smart and mature and cool i am shes a loser and i smoke apple juice she thinks shes 20 but shes 6 and takes baby naps im 8 and i dont because im an adulte and im in heiihgscholl and im in collage and its easy i get a+ in my classes and she gets fs because shes bad in claes
    Well, I'm bound by school work + I'm feeling really lazy (I was exhausted in Newbie Mafia III making some medium-long serious posts), so probably around my school break which lasts for around a week in October-November.

    Though me joining is not guaranteed cause I'm more interested in spectating and playing non-seriously :lemon:
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