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  • I've been well!
    Just about to wrap up Summer class this week and workin workin.
    How about you?
    Hey Natty, would you be here to have our first match as soon as the new patch is released? I'm trying to set up a time so that we can do it as fast as possible without having it drag on for ages.

    Oh and by the way, did you ever get a Skype?
    Hey Natty, would you be here to have our first match as soon as the new patch is released? I'm trying to set up a time so that we can do it as fast as possible without having it drag on for ages.

    Oh and by the way, did you ever get a Skype?
    Hey Natty, would you be here to have our first match as soon as the new patch is released? I'm trying to set up a time so that we can do it as fast as possible without having it drag on for ages.

    Oh and by the way, did you ever get a Skype?
    i think beardos scum coz theyre so mean 2 me and it hurt my feelings and only scum does that
    i kno right im rly pro. we shuld lynch beardo theyre ruining my vibe and theyre mean to homogays like me
    I'M ALIVE.

    Sorry I've just been binge playing this game called Spiral Knights with friends trying to complete it after they quit last year (there's a few parts that require massive grinding).


    I swear these pet dragons have the vocal cords of a Shyguy THEY SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME WHEN THEY DO THEIR ATTACKS

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