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  • Yeah and Snifits SHOOT BALLS OF STEEL (I think)

    Man now I want General Guy to make an appearance in Paper Jam. ;-;
    WE have such surface level conversations

    Let's get to know NATTY

    Let me as you a truly deep, meaningful, question...from the heart.

    Do you


    Puffle nominated me, and Jingle's probably asleep since he's in the UK. Only person is Labell but I don't think she's been on.
    Ah, the wise-yeah I don't know what inspirational mentor thing to say here.

    Question: Do ink mines have some kind of power that automatically places a mine because EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has it as a sub ALWAYS leaves a mine when they get splatted.

    Anyway I just found an amazing strategy for splat zones on Saltspray Rig. Once your team has secured the area, swim to the top of the walls so that you're on the top and have a good view of the enemy's base. From there, hid in ink until you see your enemy coming. Then, jump down and destroy them then swim back up and repeat.
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