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  • ooh I hope you had fun with your friend! I didn't really do anything, I just got a bit drunk for the first time which was interesting to say the least but I'm not much of a party person so I didn't really do anything... fireworks lasted for maybe like 10 minutes here then suddenly stopped, it was pretty lame. i was excited to watch them all too!

    staying positive is a really good goal, actually. when you're positive you can get a lot of things done. :D i'm sure you'll get accepted, btw! what are you going to be studying in university? my goals are probably just to stay positive too and get my qualifications, tbh.
    I actually can't download it because I'm on android. ;_; I really wanna give it a shot but they just haven't released it here. I assume you're Apple then? how's that treating ya? :) you should get Mario Kart 8 if able! it's super duper fun and one of my favourite games. my favourite Nintendo based franchise by far is Pokémon and I've been playing the games since I was a very small child. Sun & Moon are amazing! you should give them a try if you're able. you might like them. I also love Fantasy Life and for non-Nintendo, Stardew Valley. incredible games.

    Marches sounds a bit off to me. It's definitely not grammatically correct and doesn't really seem to work as a name of a place to me either. I'm no English expert tbh and I'm terrible at explaining this sorta thing unfortunately but yeah, to me it doesn't really seem like a name of a place. It's an action, like "Warszawa marches forward." whereas "Warszawa lives in marches." doesn't really make sense.
    yeah I agree with you there. i'm worried it's just gonna be a dress up game or something but I guess we can't expect too much from a mobile game. as long as it's fun and doesn't cost anything, I'll be playing! have you tried Mario Run yet? it seems kinda fun but you do have to pay for it. :\ meh. I'm not really a mobile gamer either so yeah, my priority is with the main Nintendo games on their consoles. do you play any other Nintendo games? :O

    and ask away, I'd love to hear!
    I'm super duper excited for the Switch but the battery life worries me somewhat. you also can't fit it in your pocket so that's another issue that might turn off the usual handheld fans. I definitely would buy it even if it wasn't handheld though, I did enjoy the Wii U somewhat with games like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon.

    I played Happy Home Designer and it was pretty fun, but way too pricey for such a simple game. now if something like HHD had been an add-on to ACNL, that'd have been incredible. but a fully priced game? no thanks. I do regret buying it because of that, tbh. if you can get it for free somehow then definitely play it, or heck maybe even for like £5 but no more than that. :(

    I forgot about the mobile game! are you an active mobile gamer or no? I'm not hugely one but I'll still be checking it out!
    i'm very excited for Summer this year! our Spring is fairly gloomy and gross, basically just like Winter 2.0 so I'm not that excited for it unfortunately. in Animal Crossing they make it look so pretty but... nope. not where I live! :( I'd love for Summer to last longer tbh, I can happily skip Winter though I do love the potential of snow.

    i have a bad feeling it DOES mean they're not gonna add a new title for a while which is very worrying. it could be so pretty, though! in Switch graphics I'm sure it'd look absolutely stunning. i can definitely get where you're coming from though, and more freedom would be great. i do feel there are is some refining for them to do and i'd really like stuff like outdoor furniture to help make decorating more exciting but that's just me. i really do wonder where they'll take the series next, if anywhere... they can't keep releasing spinoffs, right?? that reminds me, did you play Happy Home Designer or Amiibo Festival, if so what are your thoughts?
    I totally know how you feel :( I'm a bit burnt out from AC, even with the update... but I keep playing anyways, just not every day. i do really appreciate all the changes but i'd rather have a new title in the series for the nintendo switch than more content for the current game. what are your hopes for the next main animal crossing title?

    the countryside here is pretty nice! i live kinda close to it but also close to London so it's not too farmy or anything out here. I like the peace of the countryside but sometimes it can be too quiet, you know what i mean? i'm not sure i could live properly out in the country until i was way older, haha. does the gloomy weather and darkness make you feel kinda depressed? it has that effect on me. now if there was snow i'd be so happy! i really love snow but it hasn't settled here in 3 years now. really sucks.
    Alright! And yeah, I thought there were 12 specials but there's only 6 of them. Let me know what you think once you've watched all of them. ^^
    ooh I hope you're having fun on your holiday! do you have to go back to school/work soon? at least now you've got time to play some ACNL. I need to as well but I've kinda been slacking, haha. I assume you're enjoying the new update? :)

    I'm from England! have you ever been? it terms of scenery I feel like MAYBE we're kinda close? I'm not too sure. all I know is it's super gloomy and rainy a lot... I'm not a fan. but England is still plenty nice so I can cope!
    Of course! I watch all of my anime here. The first two specials are out of order, but the quality is really good. I've been using this website for years.
    (lol and your mayor's little phrase could be "in real life there is no algebra" ;) )
    Omg. I don't know how I wouldn't TT. It seems like everything would be calmer and more relaxing~ in the game if you don't TT, which is a good thing. you need patience though.... I have none. LOL. it'll add more to the game though! and when you sit on the plaza tree it'll be more enjoyable to see everything accomplished imo.

    OMG go with the medieval theme. that is so so cool and I haven't seen anyone do that! it's unique.

    and omg. twin peaks. dude. YES. also since the revival is soon! not sure how many would "get it" but the log lady knows. ;) if you like TP you'll like TXF. it's not as atmospheric, but it's weird (read: amazing. weird = amazing) and a cult classic. your taste is flawless, so. honestly the TP theme would still go great with medieval even though the two aren't related. some sort of mythology, mystical~ cool atmospheric type thing. I am in desperate need now of seeing if someone's made a red room town flag omg.

    edit: lmao this was long too. whatevs.
    name your town something spacey~ ;) I wish I had done that and made it like x files related or something. omg I know you said you don't wanna be picky but if you are too chill~ about it then you might grow to resent your map choice! the yearly challenges always seem like fun tbh and I should have participated in 2016's. are you doing the no time traveling too and stuff like that?
    thank you sfm! that's really reassuring :3

    omg it was probably so satisfying~ cutting down everything. I did that before I reset earlier this year! I know what you mean-- I'm kinda addicted to resetting bc I get antsy lmao. I can't believe I managed to keep my town for almost a year now. are you planning on selling your town or just completely starting new etc?? picking a map is gonna be tedious, lmao.
    omgggggg i'm gonna blush lol. you're so nice omg. i kinda thought it was a mess cause idk what i'm doing with it but oh well. i want to believe~~

    :33 do you have a dream address i could visit before you reset? why'd you decide to reset?
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