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  • Heya! I've been making some good progress on Memento. I have most of the items I need, and now I'm just working on expanding the rooms. I should be able to save the dream address soon and share it with you if you're interested. ^^
    it's never too late to start saving B) the only problem is you might feel tempted to spend it on things like video games, haha
    yeah job hunting can be a real grind. I know some people who have spent like a year looking and found nothing :x I'm definitely worried the same could happen to me. that's why I save up a lot 8) it's handy
    oh god I really hope you won't have to as well :x I actually haven't had a job yet! I really wanna get something just so I can get a bit of cash to save up but I'm nervous I won't be able to or be able to perform well. WOE IS ME. I'd like to work somewhere like at a pet shelter or somewhere cute B)
    I'm pretty sure that's a thing, yeah! how about at yours? it'd be insane if they didn't give you a hand :x not sure how someone would do that all by themself
    when do you generally start going to Uni? it's 18 here! I don't feel ready at all to move away to Uni and live with strangers which I'd have to do if I wanted to go :x definitely not at that stage of my life yet
    I don't go to one! like I said all of my courses are done online so no physical education for me anymore :p most people my age would be going to Uni by now but instead I'm doing this to get the qualifications I want. I'll still have to do some physical exams to get where I want though. and ya you're right that could take a while :') all I know is our classrooms here (at least in the schools I went to) were super unorganised and really loud. trying to learn surrounded by 1000 loud kids is super duper tricky. I do NOT recommend it
    well I have to do some stuff IRL but since I've essentially finished my main portion of school now I can move onto move advanced education, and this is what I'm choosing. I'm a bit behind for certain reasons though so I've got some catching up to do :x

    how's Finland's education system anyways? it's probably better than ours tbh :p
    any particular reason if you're able to share? :( I hope your week gets better soon!

    ya I'm just gonna sit indoors and shiny hunt in pokemon Sun 8). there's also a david bowie documentary on tonight I really wanna watch so that's a plan, right?? and kinda, since all my courses are online i don't have to turn anything in yet.
    yessss!! I hope you've been having a good week btw! mine has been so and so but hey, here's hoping next week will be a bit better. do you have any plans for the weekend? :D
    I'm gonna be learning it on my own most likely! I don't think I'm super good at taking instructions from people tbh :( do you get what I mean? when I have the freedom to learn something by myself I'm more likely to finish it better and in my own way. B)

    we could perform at all of the trendiest clubs finland and london have to offer!
    the flute is such a bizarre instrument but it's also SUPER pretty! you should pick one up and we can be in a band together. Cosmic Warszawa we'll call it. It's going... okay. but there is much for me to learn still!

    oof being forced to leave home is very scary. I really hope oyu can find somewhere you love and feel happy in! that's so important. I'm sure you will though. Finland seems like it has a lot of really pretty places so hopefully you can find one of those? :D
    I also really would like a career in music but I dunno if I'd be able to have a stable job that way. do you play any instruments? :D I'm learning the keyboards as of recent.

    I think it comes with self imposed pressure too. like worrying about having to move out and settle down even if no one is telling you to. it can be pointless to worry about if you're still getting educated but it's kinda hard to shoo away, haha. i dunno. it probably just comes with me being a worrywart by nature but i wanna know i've got a secure future! but it's also important to stop and remember to have fun too. animal crossing is fantastic for that. what a peaceful game. :D
    when did you turn 18? i turned 18 back in may last year and i genuinely assumed everything would feel the same as being 17 but it's not so true. i wouldn't say it's a massive jump but it definitely does feel like there are more expectations and stress put upon you once you're considered an official adult. here at 18 you can even drink so it's not like the USA where 21 would be the more average age for it. how is finland like with this?
    I really hope so! but I dunno. gathering the motivation to actually get this stuff done, especially in a professional field is very hard. not to mention I have anxiety so getting real life connections will be a lot harder. but it would be fantastic if I can use what I've learned already to help me get somewhere I wanna be in the field of marketing. gotta earn that money!

    SORRY. don't listen to me too strongly, just heed my advice of taking time to consider who you're living with i guess, haha. living away from home really does have a ton of benefits but ya i dunno i guess i'm just a bit of a worrywart and wouldn't want to end up living with satan themself. i'm a stickler for decorating but i'm not very good at making cosy feeling rooms. like, my bedroom is super modern looking with matching furniture and such but there's nothing on the walls, no posters... so i definitely would like to customise my apartment away from home to be have more stuff like that. B)
    yeaaaah you'd need a lot of money to get your own place by yourself. i think it's okay if you're sharing with a romantic partner or someone you're very close to, but a stranger would really unsettle me. i know some people have to but i'd rather just travel the distance than do that. :') you need to have a decent idea of whether you can tolerate the person you're gonna be living with or your life might end up feeling like hell! yikes. are you much of a decorator, by any chance? i'd love to do a lot with my own place and make it look super fancy.

    being 18 is so weird. i'm not used to the pressure of becoming an adult and all the choices presented ahead of me. :x it feels overbearing sometimes but HEY. i'll keep trucking on. i hope you're not too stressed either!
    wellll I didn't actively seek them out or anything, haha. I just like joining communities, discussing and chatting with folks and I happened to become a staff member over on PokeCommunity and a bit into that I joined their social media team! it's all by chance really, glad the chance presented itself though because once again, experience is very handy!
    ya, making it true is the hard part! sometimes I feel like I don't have it in me but i'm gonna try my best and keep going until I hopefully get success! one website that comes to mind is PokéCommunity which is one of the worlds biggest Pokemon websites! I basically helped grow and manage their YouTube from scratch and I've done a lot of other work for their platforms too. :) It's nothing professional but it's definitely handy experience and good to do it for such a large community.

    moving in with strangers actually sounds really scary! make sure you feel safe and not too uncomfortable about anyone you move in with. how old are you, curious? i'm 18 and haven't left home at all... i don't really feel ready to but when i do i'm hoping it won't be with strangers. :x

    uhhh yeah i'm not too sure, haha. i'm probably being stupid but not much is coming to mind. it's okay though! is it that hard over in finland? :X i wish the best of luck! and what type of dog would you like to get?
    ooh you're an artist? I'd love to see some of your works if possible. when I get them I'm hoping to go into a job for social media and marketing and see where that takes me. I've done some social media for some pretty big websites so I'd really like to do that for a big company and hopefully earn well enough off it to get my own place and move out. i'm not super set on moving out because my parents are lovely but you gotta at some point, you know what I mean? it's really nice to have your own space you can feel comfortable and happy in.

    another sorta semi resolution would be to convince my family to get us a golden you have any pets? :D
    dude. yes. i am so into that. omg when i looked up acnl twin peaks~ for a flag i saw that people recreated the red room! and dressed as cooper and stuff, lmao. so cool. idk if you've ever seen this movie, but i had a room dedicated and themed after a scene in eyes wide shut haha. bless.

    did you reset?? update me!~
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