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  • I'm super psyched - the cast list is just so great! When they announced the new season my housemate came by and banged on my door because he was so excited haha.
    Not yet, definitely planning to watching it though. I just searched up Whitney on Google Images, and found this one haha :) Have you watched the movie?
    Here's the most recent map (today). I've reserved the spaces for the graves in the middle peninsula and on the other side of the right bridge. There isn't too much space that I need to worry about, since most of the villagers put their houses down in the west part of town for some reason. I thought I'd just do some landscaping and put down some PWPs and call it a day lol.
    I chose this one. There weren't many to chose from, but this one looked nice and it does the trick!
    My mom said I could take whatever from her town since she hasn't played in like a year or so and doesn't want to play, so I just ordered like half of my wishlist from my her catalog. I haven't checked any of her storage for unorderables, but I've updated my wishlist. I also got the QR code reader finally! So I put down some graves, I just need to order like 50 skeletons lol.
    I guess I could try that... Oh, I just remembered that I still have to look through my mom's catalog lol. There's a good chance she'll have a lot of stuff I need since her town is so developed. I'll do that before I make a thread in Re-Tail or anything. I'm just not really in a rush to get the items since I still only have one room in Arlon's house, and little space in my storage. ^^;
    It's fine! I've still got hope. Besides, there are plenty of other things I can focus on before I even worry about items lol. Like landscaping and saving up 5mil for example. I'm also developing another town so trust me, I'm fine waiting for the items. ^^
    Aw, that's too bad! I feel bad because you did say you wanted to reset your town soon.
    Okay! My gate is open, so whenever you're ready. I'll just leave my gate open as long as you need it.
    It's actually afternoon where I am lol. And yeah! I'm just eating something real quick, but I'm free after that.
    Yeah lol. Like I said, it either works or it doesn't. So I guess we'll just find out tomorrow!
    dang derpio taking my stuff now!!! waiting for this dank statue i ordered

    also get on steam i keep missing you or you are offline but says you are on D:
    It's alright, really! You took the time to order everything from your catalog, so I'm willing to wait for all of it. Don't worry about it, we can always try again tomorrow! ^^
    No, it's fine! ^^ Not a waste of time at all. After all, there isn't much you can do about connectivity problems. It either works or it doesn't lol.
    Aha, right, yeah. I wouldn't try to force it, but my dad wants me to take him to the hospital which will most likely take a few hours. We could just try again tomorrow? Sorry about this.
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