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  • Hiya, yeah you can do it at my town c:
    Only issue is my train station has a lot of my things there so u gotta go a bit south from there to drop it off XD

    I added your FC and opening gates now ^^
    That works for me. c:

    Sorry for the late response, I went to buy a mattress and had a lot to do today T_T
    OH yeah wrapped is better. i was assuming unwrapped bc every other trade ive done was unwrapped. ty so much for wrapping them! drop them wherever yea
    id prefer a dropoff, and could i ask you to put the clovers in a specific place so i dont have to pick them all up again and hear the lucky clover dialogue every time? theres gaps in my path theyre intended to fill. i can pay extra for you to do that, as well. you can just drop the other things at the front gate tho.

    im gonna go ahead and add you and open my gates, anyhow.
    Hiya. c:

    I just got home! Thank you, haha today was sooooooooooo boring tho. Just intro and stuff. Tried not to fall asleep.
    So anyways, I am EST. c: I usually play until 1 - 2 am EST so I will be on for the next 1 - 2 hours. c:

    I have to wake up early tomorrow to do a few things so you probably won't be able to catch me. :(
    For the next few days I need to wake up early and do things for school so the best time for the next few days for me would be late in the evening (midnight - 2 am EST). I'm so sorry if that is inconvenient for you T_T
    I'll take all of them for 142 TBT c:
    I'm going to be busy until evening though, first day of school and stuff. XD
    No not at all! I hope I didn't keep you waiting! Thanks again! ^-^ Hope you get to have some kitties soon!
    Good morning! I overslept a bit, but I'm up now! I have added you and my gate is open! ^-^
    Aww stop that! I'm sure the kitty loves you! Sometimes they just look grumpy, but that makes them extra cute! ^-^ The pictures are adorable, and I love their super fluffy bellies! The pics worked just fine, so no worries!
    Thank you! ^-^ And yes Molly is beautiful and she knows it! ^.~ Well I saw from your profile that you are 18, so hopefully you will be on your own and able to get a cat soon! That is nice that you get to watch your friend's cat when they aren't home, but I am sorry to hear about their loss... :C I would love to see pictures if you have them! That name is adorable too! ^.^
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