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  • Alright sounds like a good plan to me. I'll be on the look out for her in the villager trading forum, just in case it looks like she's gonna be a stubborn cat.
    I don't anticipate her asking to move in that time. But I'll hold her for you if she does as long as the villager I'm waiting for isn't ready. I'll let you know when she pings.
    Hey I have felicity in my town and I do want her to move. Do you want me to inform you when she's asked to move?
    Cosmic Kid - Order ready
    alpine chair 2000
    alpine low table 2000
    bathroom sink 1200
    blossoming dress 620
    cabin armchair 2280
    cabin low table 2100
    fancy doll 1400
    florence flask 1600
    frog-costume pants 600
    green counter 2400
    makar's mask 240
    mama polar bear 1800
    painting set 680
    patchwork chair 1600
    patchwork dresser 1800
    patchwork lamp 1480
    silk bloom dress 680
    star globe 2400
    stepladder 1200
    toilet 1800 = 29,880 + fee = 30,000 (20)
    Open your gate please.
    Will you end the session or shall I leave though the train, sometimes people don't say so it's an awkward silence lol
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