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  • That's alright; I still don't have room for him, so I wouldn't of been able to get him anyway c:
    I just like giving things away for free..and besides, getting things in return makes me a bit uncomfortable xD

    Anyway, gates are open for you! Town name is Cloudluv, and when you arrive, please follow me to her house c:
    You can just come adopt her for free; she's wonderful, and I'd love for her to go to a good home c:
    Please add this FC: 4699-8562-6660, and once you're ready I'll open my gates :3
    Hello! I saw that you were looking for Fuchsia. If you still want her, I currently have her moving out if you'd like to come adopt her c:
    I'll actually be delivering an item before we begin this trade, so give me 5-10 minutes, friend.
    Sure, they haven't replied yet. I still have you added from last night, so i'll go ahead and open my gates for you!
    Hi, Wendy is in boxes in my cycling town. She's 20 tbt since she's tier 3. As a lurker you get an hour heads up to try and adopt her before I announce it on my thread. (I've alerted another lurker as well, so it will be first-come, first-serve)
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