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  • Hii! Im onlinw now. Let me get your items ready and I can come drop off your items. :)
    Ooh! Samurai suit is a neat gift!! Sure, you're welcome! and thanks, you can also let me know if you need another signatures ;D
    Okie! I'll go add your FC. Mine is 2767-0790-7496

    Ahh thanks a lot but do not bother! :D I just want to help out because I know how it was to complete villager's signatures ;D
    Omggg so my dad ordered Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer for me this Monday on Ebay (the UK version) and it OMG it shipped Tuesday and came YESTERDAY <3 two days early omg because it comes out Friday for us UK people and I got it TWO DAYS EARLY <3 so happy! I've only gotten up to doing two villagers houses, Goldie's and Lopez's SO CUTE omg and can't wait to play more! Omf I hope you're okay dear! Good gosh <3 <3
    Yeah aha, we're the last to get it but I'm definitely getting it! haha <3 I did make a pink town but that was gone ages ago, but I'm thinking of making another town again! :)
    Awh! Thank you so much! Yay you're online! <3 I think I will definitely buy it when it's out! <3 Ugh I wish it was out now! It comes out in octboer for me,sad face aha. Awh your reason is understandable though! I need to get back into new leaf again tbh I started a new town a few days ago but haven't gone to it ugh
    Awh yeah,I feel ya! I mean I haven't started college yet, but soon will come ugh aha! Have you heard of happy home designer?
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