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  • Oh don't worry about it! The typing in this game drives me mad haha
    Didn't think you were rude at all, the opposite actually :)
    Enjoy your set!! :)
    No, you, hands-down, have the best internet connection on this website. You do not realise how ground-breaking it is having that spade not spin for a second before digging a hole. For some reason I get a great connection with other countries... except Australia, eugh!

    You've made amazing progress with English since Wild World. I had to spend five years learning French yet still know barely anything in it as they always teach stupid phrases like "I have eyes and I have green hair" rather than helpful stuff like "I'm lost. Help!" That, or the fact that it just seemed like a really pointless exercise and that Spanish always worked its way into the phrases... not that Spanish was any better.
    Hi! Are perfect cherries still on premium? If so, do you have time for me to come sell like 90 bushels? :D
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