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  • It's okay! I'm moving upstairs where my Internet is so hopefully I can drop everything quick enough
    Alright added and waiting to be added back! I just TTed to November to find any last minute mush items so just tell me when you gates are open!
    That's great then! I've given away the last of the wanted villagers so I come over and drop all my bells and items on the beach if that's ok? Added btw
    Hello good morning to you! ouo)/ I see your online, just tell me whenever your available to help!
    You can basically apply for any high school you want, since they're all fairly easy to get into. It's a matter of staying in the school U_U The smart kids from the elite school/kids from the sporty school hardly get any homework ;__; All of us at the 'regular' school are stuck with piles and piles of work.
    Nope ;P It isn't a big graduation, since we'll all be seeing each other next year xD I live on an island, and there's only 3 high schools x3 One for the 'elite', one for the 'sporty' and one for the 'artistic/everyone else'.
    I'm sorry that you had to bid on the Auction for Cookie to help me get her ;^; I didn't check the board while I was shopping for my graduation dress ^^;
    ty for accepting friend request. Your inbox was full. I'll send a screenshot as to how to transfer bells.
    Ahh hello ~ just doing my daily checkup on Fang ;)

    my dreamy rosie is in boxes, so i'm moving her to my main town, and will probably move out Canberra by tomorrow to make room for Fang <33
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