P P purple888 May 24, 2014 ahh ok sorry could you give me a time estimate? :3 sorry, am super excited lol
Blondiexo May 23, 2014 Oh he's so annoying! My least favorite villager so far! He's creepy and moved to an awful spot!
X X xxDianaxx May 23, 2014 Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol I can't wait I'm going on holidays next weekkkkkkk heh xD
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol I can't wait I'm going on holidays next weekkkkkkk heh xD
SunnyChocolate5 May 23, 2014 That's so great'n lemme get him into boxes and ill open up for you immediately! And if it's ok with you you don't have to pay me rn /you can pay me on Sunday. In kinda In a ahurry haha
That's so great'n lemme get him into boxes and ill open up for you immediately! And if it's ok with you you don't have to pay me rn /you can pay me on Sunday. In kinda In a ahurry haha
SunnyChocolate5 May 23, 2014 Ahh pls try to be quick;; I also have to leave to my dad's house in a few hours and uh...no Internet there ;u;
Ahh pls try to be quick;; I also have to leave to my dad's house in a few hours and uh...no Internet there ;u;
SunnyChocolate5 May 23, 2014 Hi!! My friend has Lolly in boxes now so you /have/ to pick up Rudy today! Alright? :c