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  • Hello! What I do is TT two days, talk to whatever villager I am most friends with until they get sick of talking to me. Normally they will tell you someone is thinking about moving. If not, I run around the whole town with less than 1000 bells and no items in my inventory. That way, if someone pings you it will most likely be to move and not to buy or sell something. If no one does, I TT one day ahead until someone pings me or someone tells me someone wants to move. Also, if you want to get back to real date, you can time travel backwards as many days as you want (months even) and it only counts as one day cycle. That being said, if someone is in boxes and you time travel backwards they WILL move because it counts as one day.
    hahah spoiler tags are just
    [../spoiler] without the periods. to edit your title you go to edit post, advanced edit.
    Forum actions->Edit Profile->Custom user title is how ya do it! and yes, generally 5 days after someone is in boxes is when you start to tt forward 5 days. then tt day by day to get a ping from someone. unless you want to speed cycle which I do.
    Yes! Every 5 days a villager pings to move. There's different methods of cycling. You can slow cycle going day by day or you can do the 3 saves method, if your town is a complete cycling town
    Well, make sure you do talk about what you're going to do with them. Like.. if you're going to auction, raffle, or keep tiers. If you're going to autovoid.. The one big thing is to make sure they understand they are your villagers and you have the final say. If you require dreamy-proof.. certain wifi-ratings or a certain amount of time they have been on the boards. If you allow private messages or visitor messages and reservations. Then peopledo look to see if you will hold villagers, how long you keep them in boxes, and how long before you void
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