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  • Well not anymore I finish last Wednesday it's just this week it's the final exam
    And Monday I have 1
    Tuesday I have 1
    And Wednesday I have 1
    Which it's 3 and I'm done :)
    Yeah except the the rainbow rose garden
    I love that <3 it will stay rainbow

    But everything now it will turn black and white
    And also all my rooms will be black and white

    And also for the picture and gyroid museum will be black and white
    Il start on July 30 once my classes are done:)
    I'm gonna complete changed zebilage
    Instead of using all roses I'm gonna be using only
    White and black flowers
    And only gonna leave alone the rainbow roses all the other will go away
    But will only stay with the rainbow rose garden
    But al the roses will go away

    Now zebilage will turn complete zebra
    I don't have that game yet
    When I went to buy it they ran out
    And gamestop it's no longer no more so I have to go to bestbuy
    And I rarely go there
    For now I have
    Super smash bros
    Super Mario 3d world
    Xenoblade chronicle x
    And another game that I forgot
    Well first of all he had the problem with the popular list
    He also has complain other stuff
    And we'll I think he had a fight
    They deleted the post while I was reading them
    After that... I never saw Jared post
    But when someone is ban they turned brown right?
    Or what does the brown mean? Like permanent ban
    Or just ban for some couples days
    Hi Candice, I have finally prepared the next list of flowers I would love to order from you:

    White Carnations 15
    Red Carnations 20
    Pink Carnations 20
    Black Cosmos 15
    Orange Cosmos 15
    Blue Roses 20
    Pink Roses 20
    Purple Roses 10
    Black Roses 30
    Pink Tulips 15

    As for price, I'm not quite sure how much we can charge for each, but I do have an idea. How about for all of those flowers I'll pay 3 Million IGB. If that's not good enough to you, I have no issue with bumping up the amount of bells to whatever you'd prefer. You've helped me out a lot of times so hopefully you can help me out again. Hope to hear from you soon. :)
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