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  • Il write it later or tomorrow for people to start joining
    But for the way of earning the tbt it's to do something here but like related to the topic
    Like example
    If we're talking about turtles
    We can be selling the turtle pokemon to anyone who want them
    Or something like that
    But I should make it an announcement
    And maybe in the basement where it will better
    And everyone give me tbt to store until I can afford the group thingie
    Idk why but I feel like making a group
    And calling it the "animal lover<3"

    And we could just be talk about anything related with animal and how we could help our country to save our animals
    Sorry for taking so long, I can't find a time when we're both online. I'll just give it to you for free since I feel bad xD
    I don't have it right now, I'll have to do some thinking as to what types I'll use and such. I'll let you know by later tonight or sometime tomorrow. :)
    Darn, guess I'll have to look for someone else then when it comes to Golden Roses. As for the rest, I like doing business with you so when I have another list of flowers I'll let you know. On you thread it says you prefer doing business on the weekends, would you prefer me waiting until then?
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