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  • Well it used to be on Disney it was really good
    And I know it's not your real name
    Not a lot of people put those real name
    Yes I do :)
    I used to have friend named Candice... After she and I separate for different school
    Plus from the show phineas and ferb
    I like Candice in that show
    I don't think, I will be able to get him, I have been trying to get someone out for almost 2 hours now...:(
    And its 22:50 right now so I'm kinda sleepy...
    lol thats okay! I will have to tt to pick her up so it will be a minute, is that okay?
    My passions is cooking and baking I wanna be inside there and cook

    The only little business I have it's
    The place where I did my practice when it was the last day I made a good dessert for them

    The boss of that place when he see me
    He order that from me and I give to him some few days later
    And that the only business I have

    Il go find another job this summer
    But I just hope a restaurant pick me
    It's my passion and want to learn more
    My heigh it's exactly 5.0 so yeah
    I do have a bit of experience as now becaused I took a pratice in a restaurant
    But while I was looking for that practice a lot of them don't want me
    Becaused I looked small or defenseless
    I'm a hard worker
    But people don't see it becaused I'm usually small
    Or don't have much experience
    Well of cpuse I don't I'm new -.-
    Thanks il need it
    I tried in the past and people wouldn't accept me because I'm very small in size
    It's probably will be for August
    Because on my birthday it's when I get the big cash :p
    But hope this July il find a simple job
    Heck I can work in a hotel for having 3 languages on me and knowing my places
    Idk but will really like getting my own money
    Candice I'm gonna do something crazy
    Because I don't have a job yet

    Every time I get 5$ I'm gonna save them until I can buy me a simple 3ds
    So I can have the wifi button and like that
    I can open a picture shop becaused I have all pics :p
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