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  • Idk why but I feel like erasing sunlyn
    And putting lovely on a cartridge because like that my 3 towns won't get erased
    And use the digital one as my cycle town(my digital so far is lovely)
    But idk I love how far I'm coming with lovely
    But if I can put it in a cartridge I can be sure it's with me
    Then yeah now I don't care where mallary plot because il save her
    And Monday il make her move

    But I'm gonna make Diana move now so I can earn tbt with her
    Jejeje I'm evil
    Nope not really
    But what about my 3 dreamies I have so far? I only have 1 3ds so I have to wait on Monday for a friend to help me
    You know
    I feel like erasing my town of purely and staring again
    I'm not liking villager being in vertical
    I think il do it in Monday to save my 3 animals
    im gonna do uchi because i put it like these

    smug > uchi
    lazy> normal
    hey candice should i start the next hurt and heal of ancl
    while this one is stuck on a vs?
    or wait until the vs is over?
    awww thanks :)
    i told poke to edit me it this way because i like the background and well im a zebra queen
    jajajajja so adding a crown
    You know it's sad
    I haven't finish plotting apple house
    And I have to plot someone else jajaja
    Well that good
    I'm gonna get mallary then plot her
    To move someone out
    And it should be Diana or Leonardo they are in my line
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