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  • Hi your signature is finished and ready for pick up in my shop~ In case you get lost it is on paeg 169. Thank you~
    Hi for the colors I will go ahead and use purple/white due to the fact that there is no blue associated with the background you chose. It would look out of place. Hope that is okay :)
    No problem! Will start in the afternoon, going out atm! Will notify when finished ty!
    Hi! Welcome to my shop~ Thanks for stoppin by~ I left a question for you in my shop~ Please answer it and I will begin. Payment is also listed in my shop. Thanks.
    Hey thx for offering help but walkang through my, I really cant restart it means to much for me, sorry if I put you through to much trouble
    guau, really?? thank u soooooo much :'3 i really appreciate :) please let me know when your gates are open <3
    Oh! Alright. xD
    I'll need a little bit to finish some trades. What was your IGN again?
    So if you're trying to complete your pokedex, do you want to keep them or return them?
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