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  • Ahh! Sorry for MY late reply!! xD I was busy with something. I will add you and open the gates to Memories right now
    Hi there! Thank you for bidding a buyout on Rosie xD Please let me know when you can come pick her up ^_^
    eh? Aren't you looking for Rosie? O.O are you unable to transfer her to your main town because you only have 1 3DS? or...?
    Aww, that'd be really awesome of you! :)) If I decide to do it, I'll let you know ;w;

    Thank you so much D'x <3
    Ohh! Haha ><'' If I come across Rosie anywhere, I'll let you know! I accidentally voided Rosie in my main town, and I still haven't cycled 16 out for her yet, so... lol. I'm not even sure if I'm going to cycle 16 out for her, or if I'm going to transfer my main town dreamies to my cycle town, and turn my cycle town into my second copy. I'm getting kind of tired of my main town's layout, but at the same time, I don't want to lose all my progress, haha. But either way, it'd be hard to transfer my dreamies to a different town, since I only have 1 3DS... oh, well. haha
    Ohh, okay! Phew! I'm relieved, lol. ><'' Which of your dreamies do you still need? I'll watch out for them in my cycle town ^^
    AW, OMG. If I knew that you were looking for Skye, she would have been yours. DDD: I just adopted her out yesterday... ><''
    lol yeah x.x I hate it too! haha. I like to ask people for post merge saves in IRC... so much to the point that it might be spamming now, haha :p
    hehe, thanks for the save! I guess I should post the "voided-moved in-boxes" stuff all in one post, rather than separately.
    I'm normally not a busy-body but can you check the post history of the people who want Marina? It appears they've already taken in multiple tier 1 villagers tonight.

    Just thought you should know.
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