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  • Nearly did but I couldn't let go of Bam which I feel bad about since I was gonna give him to someone-.-
    I'm currently working on someone right now again though! <3
    Herrow dear Hazumi xD Awwww man, I took in Tammy since I thought he wouldn't ask to move for a while:( Well I haven't got any exams tomorrow so I'll try to super TT Caroline out xD
    Sounds good. Aww, really? Only do it if you wanna give them up. :( It'd suck if you have villager remorse, later on.
    Aww, man!! :( It's always the ones you WANT to move, who are the MOST stubborn. Keep me posted. Still have time since he's not in boxes yet. He'll be in boxes on the 1st, and it's the 28th in game.
    Any luck making room for Rudy? Rudy just told me he wants to move. He's not in boxes yet, but I can TT there when you're ready.
    Only Nibbles to leave, and Keaton to find and then her dream team's complete :D

    Now I only need to reset Tank in, and my dream team's complete :D (again :p .. Hopefully for the last time)
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