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  • This is what I just got back from her :3

    "it's a bit complicated XD Basically: I started a cycling town, got Lucky, but accidently tt'd lucky into boxes DX

    I only have one 3ds so I couldn't transfer him to my main town yet, so my friend holds onto lucky. But then I restart my cycling town and lucky moves in again o.o so now we're just waiting to see what happens first- her lucky moves out (no tt) or I buy a 3ds xl and can transfer between my two towns!
    and then the other lucky will be given away- but that probably won't happen for a while :<"
    That's fine he is not moving :3 I think.... XD
    I got marshal free from her I am sure she is generous LOL
    I am give ing her bob tho from like before that happened
    Hehe WOAH
    I'll be stalking for stitches, beau and ankha then xD
    I just got lucky the dog after zucker didn't work so that was good right lol
    I would love for you to try it, but its important that you only have 8 villagers or less when you visit, since she won't actually say she wants to move. It isn't like filling your 10th spot with adoption or campsite. :)
    Ohey :) .. I was, but Miss Renée has him reserved for me.. I wouldn't be able to pick him up atm anyway, I have 10 villages right now.. But thansk for thinking of me!
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