hestu Aug 31, 2017 Lol me neither, they're so hard to get!! I'll never get close enough in the jar count or anything haha, maybe you'll get lucky though!!
Lol me neither, they're so hard to get!! I'll never get close enough in the jar count or anything haha, maybe you'll get lucky though!!
hestu Aug 31, 2017 Me too lol, hopefully they'll send them tomorrow? I want my tickets but i can't afford anything anyway lol
Me too lol, hopefully they'll send them tomorrow? I want my tickets but i can't afford anything anyway lol
toadsworthy Aug 29, 2017 yeah you too! I always have a hard time with her... and with jumping apparently lol
toadsworthy Aug 29, 2017 I added your NNID, and I will make a room too, but take your time... I just had a moment and had a routine going with this internet
I added your NNID, and I will make a room too, but take your time... I just had a moment and had a routine going with this internet