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  • I am hoping it will work with like friends rather than just online.... I will add you and hope for the best just let me know
    They've not been sent out yet. I'll be sorting the list out before races begin again but they may not be received today.
    Aww that's nice of you, but toadsworthy just got back to me so I think I'll do it with him. If it doesn't work out I'll let you know. Congrats on the Sweet Feather, by the way! :)
    Thanks. I'm generally very good when it comes to games in general so I do practice them a lot. While getting the champion score is nice, I am mostly playing the games for fun. I'm not sure if having multiple records is preventing others from winning tickets though. If it is, it does kind of make me feel bad. I've played arcade games on other forums besides this one so I know how to do well in a lot of different arcade games. I probably can't get any other records at this time unless new games are added. I'm bad at Snake, Helicopter, and Tetris. In Hexxagon, you can't get higher than 58, so the current 1st is the forever champion. If I want a 4th record, I could try Asteroids, but my free time is limited due to work and I won't be able to play the other fair events if I only focus on the arcade.
    I love the fair too! And I'm glad you're enjoying it nonetheless, I really liked the last fair as well :)
    I hope you get your sweet feather as well!! :) are you enjoying the fair so far?
    Hey!! Long time no see!! :D I really really like all of the new feathers, but i think the ones i like the most are the rad feather and then the sweet feather, then the fresh/cool feathers. :) how about you?
    yeah check you transaction log, if they don't appear there and you entered contact Tom. They don't send out pms now so yeah should be there. If not there yet wait a bit.
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