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  • Actually, I don't need any bells for it, but I was wondering if in exchange you could let me register the Moon exclusives? I'm working to complete my pokedex but I have Sun
    Ahh that's a shame, you were the best to go to when it came to flowers. It's too bad to hear you don't play ACNL anymore, but good luck with whatever you are doing these days lol.
    Hi there, I assume you are the user Candice just with a user name change, if you are the person I am thinking of I wanted to ask you if your ACNL hybrid flower shop was still open. I'm really looking for hybrids and you always seemed to be the person to go for the task. ^-^
    Which set did you want to buyout? If it was not clear each set is being auctioned separately and the 175tbt buyout is for one set so if you want to buyout please specify which set! :) Thanks for your interest and let me know if you still want to buyout a set.
    hey!! I finished your pokemon order! Just let me know when you can pick it up. :)
    Could I come tomorrow to your town? I have 45 turnips I'd like to sell, and I think I have a decreasing turnip price.
    Thank you for letting me sell my 300 turnips in your town. I made 169 000 Bells. Hehe.
    Have a good day, Cascade! :blush:
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