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  • Or maybe.....
    Take 5 and and 5 of my 2 favorite looking species in the game
    Which are penguin and mouses
    Those are my favorite looking villager
    Thought Savannah I adore her the rest for me the body are a bit off to be horses body
    Casey I'm so torn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I really want to do my mouse town but at the same time the best friend town sound cool too
    Hmm... I'm torn
    I could choose between Apple or ketchup for trilogy
    And don't know which one
    Ketchup it's a duck so it seem fittings but I love apple
    Woo! Thanks-- just waiting for you to add my FC back, and I can either open my gates or search for yours. :3
    Nah its updated
    It's just I dint have light last night and we'll the Internet it's acting weird like all tv and we'll now.... Internet nor tv will work because they are fixing the satellite
    Can you hold him for a bit while it get fixed?
    Coming....once my game connect to the Internet
    The Internet it's acting odd :/ sometimes its taking a bit longer to load
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