ZebraQueen Nov 5, 2016 Yup pietro it's the only one I'm searching for now The other 9 villager have to wait until I finally decid d how I almost want them to plot
Yup pietro it's the only one I'm searching for now The other 9 villager have to wait until I finally decid d how I almost want them to plot
ZebraQueen Nov 5, 2016 Cas I found the perfect map for trilogy <3 got my 3 top priority And 2 of my 3 minor priority that if I don't get I wouldn't mind it
Cas I found the perfect map for trilogy <3 got my 3 top priority And 2 of my 3 minor priority that if I don't get I wouldn't mind it
D D Daisy0717 Nov 1, 2016 I'll take Skye I can pay and pick her up when I get home in about an hour, if that's okay
ZebraQueen Oct 23, 2016 Oh wow lol I can finally open my cycle town on Monday Because at Monday I'm gonna pick Gigi from my cycle town And well I can move on with my cycle town and plot on purely
Oh wow lol I can finally open my cycle town on Monday Because at Monday I'm gonna pick Gigi from my cycle town And well I can move on with my cycle town and plot on purely