Elegant Star123 Jul 21, 2016 ok but I just wanted to say I might not be on until like an hour, would you be on then?
Elegant Star123 Jul 21, 2016 oh okay! Just wondering is it gonna be dropped off or do I have to pick it up? and another question do you have my FC?
oh okay! Just wondering is it gonna be dropped off or do I have to pick it up? and another question do you have my FC?
megantheacwwgirl Jul 19, 2016 Hello ^^ I Erik still free? Aaah I hope ^^ he is such a huge dreamie <3
SilkSpectre Jul 18, 2016 Ty- I don't have any move outs atm so no space for her. :-( If you need to remove me for now, that's ok and I'llcheck your thread later on.
Ty- I don't have any move outs atm so no space for her. :-( If you need to remove me for now, that's ok and I'llcheck your thread later on.
Mints Jul 18, 2016 Hi Candice! I was wondering if you still had my flowers, it's been 2 days so I understand if you sold them to someone else. Thanks.
Hi Candice! I was wondering if you still had my flowers, it's been 2 days so I understand if you sold them to someone else. Thanks.