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  • Added you! I'm ready to come over anytime for the clovers! But if not tonight, then maybe sometime tomorrow afternoon. ^^
    Hey, Candice, sorry your gonna need to FC on this profile :p if you haven't already, I'm coming to pick her up now~
    Yeah its just I'm cleaning a lot
    And tomorrow will be worse
    And Monday to Tuesday I'm gonna be with my bffs
    I'm gonna start next Wednesday because these 2 days
    I won't have time to play none of my 4 games
    Maybe my cycle town
    So the 16 cycle IL start on Wednesday
    Okay, gates are open to plush! thank you! then right after you get here I'll end and then I'll open to where I actually want the bushes, lol.
    hey, also is your void cleared? I have 8 villagers right now in that town and I don't wanna ruin it incase a dreamie comes along, lol.
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