ZebraQueen Jul 11, 2016 Yeah sometimes when I'm just in kinda of a bad mood~ just post on what I care Maybe by tomorrow il go back showing that I'm online jajaja
Yeah sometimes when I'm just in kinda of a bad mood~ just post on what I care Maybe by tomorrow il go back showing that I'm online jajaja
ZebraQueen Jul 10, 2016 Without even trying I got the modern bridged which is what I wanted for zebilage Yay now I need a perfect town to get the modern town hall and il be good (Though still missing some few pwp that I need ) it's 1 less I don't need to worried about
Without even trying I got the modern bridged which is what I wanted for zebilage Yay now I need a perfect town to get the modern town hall and il be good (Though still missing some few pwp that I need ) it's 1 less I don't need to worried about
Shinx Jul 10, 2016 Do you mind delivering? Most of the space in my town is empty so you can throw em wherever. cx
Griffon Jul 9, 2016 I'm ready to pick up the order now if you are! I'll open my gates if you're ready