ZebraQueen Jul 13, 2016 Hey Candice Do you think I can weed your town? For my weeding badge? On zebilage
ZebraQueen Jul 12, 2016 I mean it as in like of someone want the villager I have IL just connect online to open that gown But nothing else because I did so much today I'm tired
I mean it as in like of someone want the villager I have IL just connect online to open that gown But nothing else because I did so much today I'm tired
ZebraQueen Jul 12, 2016 I did so much trade that I really don't want to be connected on the cycle town But tbt is cash Must win
I did so much trade that I really don't want to be connected on the cycle town But tbt is cash Must win
ZebraQueen Jul 12, 2016 Ok But could it be tomorrow I'm just tired to enter online today Except on cycling
ZebraQueen Jul 12, 2016 So yeah I play zebilage to play around While the other 2 it to work on it jajaja
ZebraQueen Jul 12, 2016 Ummm...ummm I'm giving all 3 equal because of plot reset And gonna plot reset now in lovely After cycling in sunlyn
Ummm...ummm I'm giving all 3 equal because of plot reset And gonna plot reset now in lovely After cycling in sunlyn
R R rebornking Jul 12, 2016 In france it s the lunch time (9h50) so he is eating or sleeping,but i think he is sleeping cause it s holidays
In france it s the lunch time (9h50) so he is eating or sleeping,but i think he is sleeping cause it s holidays
R R rebornking Jul 12, 2016 In fact it s not for me,but for a friend his FC is 2208-6479-4337 He will be ready soon and he speaks english too
In fact it s not for me,but for a friend his FC is 2208-6479-4337 He will be ready soon and he speaks english too