I’ve visited your town several times and I think it’s amazing
It’s just so well thought out for a themed town. You even got the villagers to wear your designs :’D My favourite part of your town is definitely the pokemon stadium. It’s just such a fun feature you’ve added to the town. Your houses are also really great and I definitely spent the most time in them. I love the music choices for all the rooms. I absolutely love the way you made Misty’s character! There’s not much I can critique because I think your town is pretty cool already. Personally, I think maybe there could be less trees in certain areas where the trees line the whole path going up.. for example that area in front of the cafe with the apples and mangoes. Just removing some trees on the right and replacing with bushes would give a nice view of the river and make it look not so heavy on the right side. Thanks for answering my questionnaire! Please feel free to give me a review of my town as well if you’d like