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  • No worries. Someone will move out eventually for your Sylvana. =p When the times comes, you can always find help on the forums. ^_^
    Are you still looking for Sylvana? I have her AC card, so that would count as original if I don't interact with her, right?
    Oh! I'm so sorry my dear! Yes I got it and it looks lovely! ^-^ I meant to respond to you, but work has been crazy!

    I hope you have been doing well! ^-^ <3
    Hehe hi hun, i'm doing wonderful thanks. I hope the new year is treating you well and thank you, its good to be back ^-^
    Again... Absolutely no problem! Take your time my dear! I hope the new tablet works! <3
    so sorry to be telling you this, but i think im not able to come on much at all. With all these things are happening, i just cant keep up with extra free time. This means i wont come on for you to do your services, so im wondering how much i should pay you for all you've done so far. But who knows, maybe i'll come back after time has passed. hope you understand <3
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