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  • LOL, it actually wasn't me who came up with that song! It was Blu Rose, she made it up and then posted it onto the thread. xD But awww, that sucks!! ;; I mean, just be grateful you weren't at school when they did set fire! Heh, you totally should though, would be funny to see what kind of reactions you got!
    Oh no! Are you sure you can't take him? Not that I'm voiding him and then you have space :O
    Sure take your time! If you want we can make it with the bells that way: I have 3 objects set in retail for 999.999 each. You can buy them and everything is done :D but if you don't want that I can come over to your town. :3
    Hey there :) Zell is moving out and you had the highest bid :) he's all yours!

    I only need your FC :) mine is 0173-2354-9126
    Sorry for your loss for Merengue. I hope Beau can be a good companion for you! Happy Birthday!
    Haha it's ok, take it slow. I don't want your dreamies to disappear while cycling. I'll be taking a short nap~ :3 so cya later~
    Awww :3 I wish I wouldn't have to rush you :( I should have took notice of his leaving date while I was on a holiday. Anyway, let me know when are you done!
    Sounds good. But I need to let you know I need Beau to be out on Friday. The girl taking Francine is going on a long winter break on Saturday so I hope she can take her before she goes :(
    Ah.. Will it be done by this week? I'll let another person know that I'll give her Francine on a later date then.
    Will you be able to take Beau soon? I have to move Francine to a new home. Sorry for rushing you!
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