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  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (sorry it's late i don't come on here often anymore)
    hope you had a fantastic day!!
    Your commission is finished!

    I put her bow at the front because you couldn't see it at all from the back due to the pumpkin lid. If you would prefer to have no bow at all, just let me know and I'll fix it. c:

    Please send the payment of 60TBT when you get a chance. Thanks for commissioning me!
    i'll have to try to get like maybe a little video walkthrough and pictures up this year, i always say i will but then life happens. last year I got a projector and this really neat DVD thing of these evil paintings that i had up, not sure if you've seen it around, there was a video of the lady painting going around on facebook that led me to it. (can't youtube at work or I'd show you) but it goes through phases of the three paintings moving and interacting, they like murder each other, or grow old and die, or jump scare, so it's pretty dope.
    in the gated community I live in we get lots of trick or treaters, they open it up to the community and everyone comes to "the flats" because the rest of the community is all hills, horrible to walk, and i live in the flats so we get the bulk. it's fun too cause people get to walk in to our foyer and it's like a tiny baby haunted house.
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