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  • just having our normal little mini party thing I am sure, my sister invites over her friends (cause I don't have friends) and their kids, and my mom's friends come over too, we hand out candy in our decorated foyer, I bought a ton more decorations this year and planning on making some too, last year on actual spooky day i got too depressed to hand out candy so i just sat out in my backyard until people left.. im hoping this year is better! That sucks you have a mock exam... evil teachers =[
    just SUPER BORED! settled into monotony, everyday is the same, times going by fast but it's going nowhere, so I'm depressed about it, trying to be excited about spooky day at least though =D
    I really don't know why it's emotionally shaken by it, but this time it's really hit me hard. I think it was because I was at one of her concerts a couple of nights before. I can't even imagine what families are going through rn, taking their kids to a fun concert, and coming back with no kids. I'm so sad, I can't even begin to imagine what Ariana must be feeling right now, she's calling herself a murderer and she's broken. My poor baby :(((
    Omg if we would have met that would have been be cool :)
    I'm honestly so sad about what happened in Manchester :(
    yeah man, or a french/english bulldog they are the cutest too :3

    yep basically my dad never satisfied with what i do lmao ;;

    yeah and for some reason I had 1000 yen in eshop funds.. lmao i never added that into the shop? I thought funds were linked to NNID and not system unless they changed that lol. gl getting a new/old/whatever 3ds.. Japan has so many cool models tho.
    ya man totes want a pug! yeah me too, my dad is such an ass sometimes though ech.. good luck with everything c: And yeah it's nice, the streetpass menus were a bit tricky to navigate but i think i managed xD
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