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  • lmao ok
    that gif, i found on tumblr :^) it creeped me out so much i had to share it hahaha
    ohh o: makes sense. in college we do things like that, it's rather silly imo. in my first year we were looking at different types of research (primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative - mumbo jumbo right ? haha) and we were sent to do questionnaires to ppl in the college lmao. it was kinda awkward.
    ;A; pumpkins you nerd. you will get friends, you r pretty cool af. *thumbs up emoji*
    ikr ? lmao ;u; it creeped me out so bad.
    lmao did you get it rlly ?
    i'm good, pleased that i finally got a nice winter coat. and it's pretty cute c:
    o-o' that's.. really creepy o: if u go to that kids club u may end up dead tbh
    edit: wow thats a bit grim what i just wrote haha OOPS
    probably the weirdest thing a stranger has done to me is that once i was in college walkign down a hallway alone and this guy came up to me and was like
    'are you wearing socks?' and pointed to my feet
    and i was like
    'uh.. yeah?' and then the guy walked off and i walked the other direction lmao
    ikr :^)

    (lmao this scared me for a minute bc i've just sent a selfie to bucky and i wa s like HOW DID U get it oh)
    The shinies I have are on OR :D
    Umm, well since we probably would of seen him by now. I don't think so. But I could be wrong
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